Saturday, December 3, 2011

Stovetop Popcorn

My BFF Tricia always makes delicious popcorn, and finally after tiring of the fake tasting microwave popcorn, I found out from her how to make it. It's more of a "technique" than a recipe, but for those of you who haven't made it before on the stove, this will help you!

Also, I will be referring to this recipe in the next couple weeks when I share a recipe for Caramel Corn!!!

Stovetop Popcorn

3/4 cup popcorn kernals
2 tbsp. olive oil
Crisco butter spray
Popcorn salt

In at least a 6qt. pot with lid, place the olive oil and ONLY 3 popcorn kernals. Place the lid on the pot and heat on medium high heat, shaking the pot occasionally. Once the 3 kernals have popped, the oil is hot enough, and now you can add in the rest of the popcorn kernals and replace the lid. Shake/swirl the pot around so all the kernals get covered with oil and kind of spread out on the bottom of the pan. The popping will start shortly. Continue shaking the pot occasionally. When the popping significantly slows down so you only hear one or two kernals popping at a time, turn the heat off, shake the pot a few times so the last few kernals can pop, then take off the lid and you should have a full pot of popcorn!!!

I then pour about a third of it into a large bowl with a lid and spray it with Crisco butter spray and sprinkle with popcorn salt. Then put the lid on and shake it up. I repeat this until all the popcorn is in the bowl, then serve!

This is the ONLY way we eat popcorn at my house anymore! It's an easy, inexpensive, low fat snack that we can have on hand all the time!

A couple of tips that I have found make for better popcorn....1) only buy major brand popcorn. I have not found a store brand that works as well. I use Orville Redenbacher. 2) I prefer "light tasting" olive oil, but any oil will work. If it has a strong flavor, you will taste it on your popcorn. 3) Only Crisco brand butter spray. Just trust me on this one. 4) Regular salt won't do. You must have the nice, fine, popcorn salt. You can find this near the regular salt at the grocery store. And I don't buy the butter flavored kind. Just the regular salt.

Anyhow, now you are ready to make your own yummy popcorn! If you have a bigger or smaller pot, you can adjust the amounts of kernals and oil accordingly!

Happy popping!!!

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